Mar 31, 2010

Trust and Live

The Most High God chose to leave the glorious realm of heaven to live like the dust of the earth, to live as a human, enduring all the difficulties, joys, sorrows, and trials of this life. He had mountaintop experiences and valley experiences. He experienced slander from his enemies and betrayal from his friends and family. He was bullied, ridiculed, laughed at, beaten, stripped, humiliated, tortured and finally killed.

His friends and followers were left feeling confused and hopeless. Their greatest hopes and dreams had been ripped to shreds, their faith stretched so thin it threatened to break at any second. They were left with questions. "Wasn't this the King we had been waiting for?" "How could we have been wrong?" "Did we miss something along the way?" "What do we do now?" "I guess we go back to fishing." "What's left?" "Why?"

“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways  higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:9

Because He loves us...
His life on earth was to identify with us.
His death was the punishment that we deserved for all of our sins, past, present, and future.
But the Power of God could not be contained in death. He defeated death and rose again to life, real life, so that we could live with Him forever in Heaven.

Trust in Jesus Christ ... and live.

Sunday is Resurrection Day. It is the celebration of the day that Jesus Christ, the Messiah, defeated death and sin and it's hold over you and me. I hope you have a wonderful celebration of our Risen Savior.

My oldest grand-daughter has chosen to Trust Jesus with her life and will be baptized on Resurrection Day.
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"A girl needs to be so lost in God, that the guy is going to have to seek HIM to find her!" ...Maya Angelou


Angel said...

What a beautiful post. I love the video. How exciting for your grand daughter to give her life to Jesus and be getting baptized on Easter. You are a blessed lady, thank you for your words!!


From the Heart said...

A great post about our precious Lord who defeated death, hell and the grave.

What a blessing to see on Sunday, your granddaughter being baptized.
It is a beautiful sight. My granddaughter was batized not too long ago.
Have a blessed week and weekend.
Love you, AliceE.

christschild said...

I'm so happy for you and your grandaughter...and all the family. What a special day that will always be remembered.
Thank you for this post. I am so thankful that God loves us, died for us, and ROSE again on that 3rd day. What a Love!!! I love reading posts about our wonderful Savior...have a very blessed Easter week.

Daphine said...

GREAT post! And I LOVE the quote!!! LOVE it!

Happy Easter!