For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
What do your prayers sound like? So often mine tend to focus on what I want. Even when I ask God what He wants, I hardly neglect to let Him know what I want. Now there's nothing wrong with asking God for what we want or what we think we need but are we truly willing to accept what He wants for us?
Many times I have prayed for or about something and God has answered exceedingly abundantly beyond what I had ever hoped for. The last two vehicles I have purchased happened that way. In both cases I had been praying because I needed another vehicle and I asked for something specific in His time. In both cases God went ahead of me and chose vehicles that were what I asked for and so much more.
There have also been those times when it seemed like God overlooked a few details. I have recently asked for prayer for myself as I looked for a job. I want to thank you all for praying and for those that encouraged me and some who even helped me through a few meltdowns. God provides for His children but it doesn't always look like we think it should.
As I applied for jobs, I prayed specifically that God would block all offers except for the job He wanted me to accept. I also asked if there could be at least one deeply rooted Christian where He chose for me to work, and that be someone I could become good friends with. I asked for prayer in my Sunday school class one day and the lady I asked told me there might be a position available soon in her department at work and asked me to email her my resume. Within a week she called me and offered me a job. The offer sounded more like a sales pitch as she was very anxious for me to accept.
So prayers answered, a job that was offered to me by someone I was already developing a friendship with who was a deeply rooted Christian. But it "seemed" that God had overlooked a few details. This was a part time position and paid very little. Not sufficient income to pay my bills but I was sure this was God's choice so I accepted the job. At the start of my 2nd week the position became full time and my supervisor is telling me that she wants to train me for advancement. The pay is still not sufficient to pay my bills but I know that this is the job that God chose for me. If things had gone according to my plans, I would have gone into a full time position that offered better pay but I am learning to accept God's plans and not mine.
"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:9
Throughout my life God has shown me that He is always faithful. He has never left me stranded and has always provided for my needs, sometimes in miraculous ways. He can be trusted even when there is more month at the end of my income. These days it seems that we don't leave any room for dependence on God. We want our safety nets all in place before we take any steps forward. We won't take a job unless it offers high pay, health insurance, and a retirement plan. These aren't bad things but it seems that we, like the world, have come to rely more on these safety nets than we do on God. The world has to depend on these things because they don't have God, but God wants His People to depend on Him. We are called to live a life set apart so that the world can see our God and so that He will be glorified. I am so thankful for all that God has provided for me and that He has cut away the safety net.
Please join me at Titus 2 in action today...

"A girl needs to be so lost in God, that the guy is going to have to seek HIM to find her!" ...Maya Angelou