Two dear friends have both given me the Kreativ Blogger Award. Alice at
From the Heart, a very loving lady who is always encouraging others, and then Alleluiabelle at
Humble as I Go also awarded it to me. What rich gifts God has given me in these friends. Thank you both for thinking of me. I truely appreciate you.
I am required to nominate 7 other bloggers for this award and they are supposed to nominate 7 others. (Be sure to leave a comment on their blog about the award.) After they accept the award they are then asked to write a list of 7 things that their blog readers may not already know about them.
Now most of you know that I don't generally follow the rules about these awards and I just give them out to all of my bloggy friends because I really do think you all deserve them. Well this time I'm going to try to follow the rules and pick some of you for this award.
Now if I pick you and you don't have room on your sidebar for another award or it's the wrong color, or not your style, or you can't hang it straight, that's ok. You are not required to hang it on your blog unless you want to.
But I'm sure you can come up with 7 things about yourself that we don't already know so have some fun and do the post. :)
Here are my picks:
ADHD-Jo at
Monkey's are Funny - I pick her because she could win a creative wrtiting contest hands down. So she certainly deserves this award.
Sue J at
CREATE: Making Something of Today - The title of her blog alone says it all. She is creative in her writing and activities.
Heaven at
Heaven's Journey - God is working through her to create some wonderful Name Pictures inspired through prayer. You can see some of her work at
Heaven Designed.
Mrs P at
The Patterson 5 - For her creatively fun family outings and adventures. :)
Alexa (Cindy's daughter) at
Army Brats and Me - When Cindy got cancer, Alexa came up with the idea to give away "Faith" and "Hope" bracelets to people in every state in the country to encourage prayer for her mom. Now THAT's creative AND Love. Way to go Alexa!
Gigi and Cici at
Chatty Kelly's Kids Say - They are very creative thinkers!
Zoie (Pamela's daughter) at
Pinkshoelady - For her creative poem for her daddy on Father's Day.
The kids can tell us 7 things about themselves or their parents at the parents discretion.
Now 7 things about me that you don't know. Hmmm.
1. I have only ever had one broken bone in my life and I paid a doctor to break it. I worked in an ENT office and one day we got talking about what each of the doctors seemed to be best at. When we started talking about the doctor who was good at nose jobs I mentioned that I didn't like my nose. About that time the doctor walked in and the girls in the office offered that information to him. The rest is history.
2. I remember almost every detail about the house I lived in when I was three years old but I don't remember a great deal of my childhood after that.
3. I have only ever gone away for vacation once in my life and that was within the last 10 years. A friend of mine in California and I decided to go to Florida on vacation together one year. She flew to Texas where her plane connected with mine at DFW airport and we flew together the rest of the way.
4. I clean when I'm angry or upset. From the look of some areas in my house, I must be pretty content.
5. I took a silver-smithing jewelry class in HS. I would love to do that again.
6. As a kid, one of my chores for a period of time was to feed the dog. I had to open a can of dog food using a manual can-opener. To this day I can't use a manual can-opener without thinking of dog food.
7. I moved out on my own when I was 17. I had my dad's permission and blessing. I was very close to my dad, I just wanted to be on my own.
Thanks for reading along!

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind ~ Luke 10:27