I'm Itt again!
Are you sick of hearing about me yet!? LOL.
Christy at Dreaming the Simple Life has tagged me for Six Things You
I did this one not too long ago so I'm gonna change it up a bit. I know! I'll tell six things about some of you! Do you see someone you know in my list?
Here are the rules:
Rule #1 ... Aw who needs rules. TAG YOU'RE ITT!
1. I met this bloggy friend on a Wednesday. I was all alone and she even said I was a nobody. How rude! LOL! And after I told her to put First Things First! Don't worry, we quickly became good friends. She's one of the best and always has a kind word for everyone she meets.
Click HERE to see who she is.
2. This new to me bloggy friend has quite a sense of humor, and doesn't appear to be much of a rule follower (according to the last two posts I read). He's is planning a Christmas give-away, so I really want to get on his good side. :) Just kidding. The sense of humor is a real treat!
Click HERE to see who he is.
3. This bloggy friend will keep you in stitches, or she'll take you to get stitches. When you visit her your head will spin, your face will grin, and all the confusion will start to sink in ~ but you won't mind a bit, because you'll feel like you're home and you won't want to leave.
Click HERE to see who she is.
4. This bloggy friend wrote a whole post to thank me for something I didn't even know I did. She invites you into her home, gives you a tour, and even lets you help decorate. A most neighborly friend and treasure to my heart.
Click HERE to see who she is.
5. This bloggy friend is always doing lots of fun family stuff. I love going to visit her and the family, and one day I'm just gonna move right in with them. ;)
Click HERE to see who she is.
6. This bloggy friend threw a bloggy birthday bash for me that lasted two days! It was SO much fun! I had the time of my life. My back still hurts from trying to do the limbo though. :) A wonderful lady and hostess.
Click HERE to see who she is.
7. This bloggy friend says 7 is a Holy number which is why I have added number seven! She praises thee King in every little thing. Arms held high up to the sky. She's generous and gracious and welcome you with open arms and smoochy holy kisses. LOL. She's always inviting me for coffee and a chat at midnight too. :D She has a beautiful heart.
Click HERE to see who she is.
I wanted to do more but the rules do say six. LOL. I will have to do this again on another day, itt was fun and there are so many bloggy friends to talk about. :D
Things are a little busy around the house so I have fallen behind in making my rounds to visit you all. I'll be trying to catch up this week. Love you all!

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind ~ Luke 10:27