Taxed Enough Already
Are you TEA'd? It's time to do something. It's time to speak out and make your voice heard in Washington. Join in this Nationwide coordinated event. Participate in a TEA Party in your city in April 15, 2009. Tax Day!
There are over 1300 demonstrations orgainizing in cities throughout the nation. Lets send a message to Washington to stop the chaotic spending frenzy that is bankrupting our nation.
Find a TEA Party near you.
National TEA Party Day Website
Nationwide Tax Day TEA Party Website
If you live in Arlington, TX and want to help organize go here:
Arlington TEA Party

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind ~ Luke 10:27
Thank you for your heartfelt approach and reminder of our obligation to stand up for GODS word and His commandments. andrea
I heard about this. Thanks for passing along the information. I will participate.
What a great way to send a message to Washington. I will have to check into this.
Just a little note to say I am thinking about you, and praying for you!
I love you Edie!
May you know He thinks you are terrific!
Edie, thank you so much for this information. I've been aware "TEA" parties in the news recently, and I knew they had to do with the economy, but I never knew what "TEA" actually stood for!
You are right; the time for shrinking back is over!
"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised. For in just a very little while, 'He Who is coming will come and will not delay. But My righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him.' But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved."
(Hebrews 10:35-39)
Thanks for the info, Edie... loved Kathryn's comment and Scripture passage!
"If we don't stand for something... we'll stand for anything!" - Let's stand together for our God!
Looking UPward and Choosing JOY,
[In Flight]
I haven't heard about this. We must not be having any TEA parties in Nebraska.
After checking out the website, I was really surprised at the number of organizers right here in our area.
I'll be checking into it some more, but it's looking like something I will be very interested in.
Hadn't heard of this yet. Thanks for sharing the information with us. I will make sure to participate.
I heard about this on Rush's show.
Hi precious! I've missed visiting with you. I'm on this Tea Party situation via Mel at a Voice for Moms so thanks for also sharing!
I pray that all is well with you. Love you.
There is an event in a nearby city. My husband is going for sure. We CAN make a difference!
Just popping in to say hi.
Hope to get caught up on a few emails today.
Hi Edie...thank you for sharing this information. there are so many things being thrown at us each day...I pray that the hearts and minds of the American people will return toward the Lord..that we repent as individuals as a church body and as a far as our financial crises go I believe that it was greed that led us here and that greed is rampant throughout all the political ideologies.
Be Blessed,
In His Love,
Edie, I have been interested in getting involved with a TEA party. There is a local one that I may attend, but I thought since I'm not too far from you, I might visit the Arlington Tea Party
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