Do you have some whine in your home? You know, that high pitched, long drawn out moaning kind of whine that includes slumped shoulders, a heavy head, and severe dramatization. Miss Personality brought some in my home one day that went something like this... "I'm sooooo boorrred. Can we pleeeease make a project?" So I grabbed a cup to put that whine in. And some construction paper, google eyes, glue, a sharpie, and a cotton ball.
The end result was three happy little girls and their bunnies. This project took about 5 minutes to make and had the girls
playing happily together for about an hour. Woooo!

A girl needs to be so lost in God, that the guy is going to have to seek HIM to find her!
Hey...what a great and clever craft idea! I will have to share it with my sisinlaw... my nieces would have a blast! Or maybe I will save the idea for when I go babysit!! ;o)
Hi Edie,
Aww You are always so creative and those precious grandaughters are so blessed to have you!!!!
I have little grandsons and all they like to play with is cars and more cars lol.
Hugz Lorie
Fabulous idea which I am going to borrow! A cup of whine... love it! Then, we can pull it out when we are all tempted to whine... (myself included:)
Love and blessings, Laurie
Adorable! Blessings and prayers, andrea
PS: You have an award at arise 2 write
I would have told them to go play outside. :-) But not you; you get all creative and cool! Way to go, Edie!
That is a great idea Edie, but I have boys at home. Maybe we could make snake or lizard cages or something like that. :)
What fun! and how smart of you....saved the whine and made them smile and shine :)
So glad for creative gifts....thanks for sharing those sweet faces with us Edie!
A craft that says to these cutie pies "somebunny love you"
You are wonderful!
loves you, I mean
When CJ starts in on that whine, I send her upstairs to look through her art drawer for abandoned projects. After a time, she comes down to us--back to her old self--with a great something to show.
There's something to turning the creativity light on that gets the kids off whining.
And look at the smiles!.... Good for you all!
Edie that is so funny! The title was a great fake-out because of course I did not see the "H" when I first read it so I thought you were really talking about wine and I wondered why...the girls!...they have cups in their hands!
I have a new blog friend at: and her child, Hannah has been diagnosed with a rare form of arthritis. I suggested she ask you to make a prayer button for little Hannah. I thought you may want to drop by and check out her blog. Little Hannah has a blog, too. I joined as her first follower and pray we will be able to watch GOD do mighty things in this child's life.
Thanks, Edie for all you do.
Hi, I am Hannah's mom, and Sarah's... We can always use prayers.
Here is a small bit of info on hannah...
she has allergies, asthma, 3 nebulizer treatments a day, heart murmur, pulminary valve stonosis, sleep disorder, migranes, psorisis, and the arthritis that goes with it, hypogammagoblunemia, IVIG infusions every 4 weeks, and we find out next monday if she has lukemia, the drs are 90% sure she does, but I know that our God is 10% (100%) bigger than this. We are trusting Him, even if it is lukemia, we will still praise and worship Him!!
Thank you for all the prayers,
Lori, Hannah, and Sarah
Cute and thoughtful as well as resourceful!
I stumbled upon one of your comments -- very spiritual. And I thought I'd check out your blog.
I love it and will follow.
You have some great tips here.
remember Gigi's rocks? I swear, we glued 2 eyes on a rock, and from that came hours and hours of fun. I think the problem with toys today is they do EVERYTHING and leave no place for imaginations.
Great crafts!!!! Great idea!
You cured the blues for sure. I might have offered the pledge and a dusting cloth! Ha...
I love it! Thanks for sharing your three beautiful gifts from GOD with us.
Great idea! Thank you. I have one that gets bored too. And it's always after a full day!
those are soooo cute!!! what a great idea!! I am going to store all these ideas for when I am a grandma!!!
I love your blog ...and am so glad that I stopped by...I am becoming a follower tonight...Hope you will stop by and visit my new Christmas blog that I launched today. The button on my regular blog will take you right to it....
See what I mean? You are so totally cool!
My husband and I have code language regarding that tone of voice you were describing. When the kids are whining a lot and he calls home for some reason, all I have to do is say, "I think I'm getting drunk!" Then he knows - there's too much whine in the house.
Doesn't often change their behavior, but at least I know someone understands what I'm going through. *grin*
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