She had rarely ever contacted him in the past, except when she needed something from him, and he had only just learned that she was living near him even though she had been living in the area for 6 months. My friend met with his daughter a few times and listened to her tell her situation.
He then went out and purchased the Impala. He had decided that he would invite her to live with him so she would need something to drive in order for her to get a job, but she knew nothing of his plans at the time. When he invited her to live with him he made it clear that she would have to obey his rules in his home. She declined his offer. In doing so, she unknowingly lost a blessing that he already had prepared for her. She still doesn't know what she lost and she is suffering hardship as a result of her decision.
I can't help but wonder about the blessings I have lost in the times I have decided not to be obedient to God. He is preparing a blessing for me, I don't want to lose it.
What about you? God is preparing a blessing for you. Will you choose to walk in obedience or go your own way?
Oh Lord, forgive me for the times that I have chosen to walk in disobedience to you. I have already seen great loss of blessing for my past decisions. Thank you that you are a God full of grace and mercy. Help me to be obedient in these circumstances. Give me wisdom and discernment to make right choices and work them out appropriately. In Jesus Name ~ Amen

A girl needs to be so lost in God, that the guy is going to have to seek HIM to find her!
Amen. He has a place prepared for us and he has prepared the way for us. The preparations are all made. We need only to accept and obey.
I find when I begin to go my own way, I always get lost.
Amen Edie! This is sooo very true.
I am sorry for the Father in this story and will pray for restoration for him and his daughter.
Thankyou for sharing this and may a spirit of repentance to fall on us for going our own way and not being obedient to our heavenly Father.
Did you ever get my email about the writing website and the blog makeover information?
Edie are you sure you haven't talked to my family and they told you stories about my teenage years? :)
And I haven't forgotten...
Well written Edie. I know I've missed out on many blessings due to impatience and wanting to do things by own way. But I'm trying to listen more now and obey immediately. Delayed obedience is disobedience. I know I read that somewhere before. Thanks for this.
BTW, I'm still loving my blog makeover on Heart Choices and get lots of compliments. Thank you again. You are so talented!
Love you,
Wow...what a great true story as an illustration. Will pray for that man's daughter right now!
Such a reminder to us. Our Father knows best...we just need to obey.
Thanks, Edie!
There is so much truth in that story. I always say...with God there's always blessing on the other side.
love and hugs~Tammy
What a great illustrations. I know I have missed blessings too. Thanks for the lesson today!
This is a great analogy for us. Yes, we evaluate things with God in the same way. We have no idea what He has planned but we will not step in what He asks us to. Some of the answers to our prayers are behind that step. Good reminder to not lean on our understanding but trust Him. Thanks, B
It is a scary thought!!
GOD bless your friend for standing firm with his daughter. Praying for them both, andrea
A great lesson on doing what God asks us to do. I've done some things He prompted me to do and always felt good about it afterward. However, there have been times I'm sure that I have failed to follow His leading. Thanks for the reminder.
From my heart to yours,
Mmmmm, how much have I missed because I thought going my own way would be "better"???
This is something to sit and think on today!
Edie, your words are meat to chew on for sure. My husband and I were just discussing this on the weekend.
We so want to NOT miss GOD and all He has for our lives and yes indeed I know that there were times I missed things due to my disobedience or lack of awareness or both and I'm so grateful for HIS grace to bring me around to the "blessing" in another way. He's so merciful and faithful and I love HIM dearly.
Love ya Sis.
Great post, Edie! I'm sure we miss out on many blessings by so often following Our Way and not His!
OH, the blessings that we might have missed! Thanks so much for this post, Edie!! I've missed you!
Hi Edie. I've missed you. I am doing a little better. Just can't sit here at the computer too long.
Am getting out of my self-pity party though, and trying to get back in the swing of things. (better not swing as my back might mess about the carefully slow rotation of things).
I liked this post. What a smart man he is. If he had told her about the car, she probably would have moved in long enough to claim it and then been on her way again. I hope he is ok. I'm sure he was hurt by her decision. (kids...sigh)
Wow, and Amen, Edie! Just yesterday at Bible study, were talking about obedience, and I shared that I used to wrestle with God about the "why". (I was willing to be obedient, but I wanted to know why He was asking me to do what He was asking me to do!) Great peace came when I surrendered the "why" and became obedient just because He asked.
This post drew my heart to Luke 11:11-13: "Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!"
Rich blessings, my friend! :-)
Hello Edie! It has been too long since I was over here... You blog is beautiful as expected.. Hope your summer is treating you WELL! I just have not had time to blog much but I am sure that I will be back in the swing of things come this fall........
I am so enjoying the beautiful Samaritan Women blog that you created!
Blessings to you today my friend..
Thanks for sharing the great post, Edie! The story of your friend is a good reminder that God has so many blessings for us, and we miss out on so much because of our disobedience and stubborn wills. What a joy when we are obedient to God and accept the abundance He has in store for us!
18 is hard....especially when you've already experienced "life" a bit, and you continue to be so headstrong that you forget the wisdom of your parents.
I definitely remember "forgetting" and it was during those years of trial that God came back into my life--through a whisper of an idea to out-and-out service for Him.
Prayers for this dad to continue to uphold his daughter, and prayers for her to know the one Father who can truly save her, and the blessings of earthly dads who love her, too.
Thanks for sharing this story!
Hi Edie! I really enjoyed this post. It's always nice to stop by for a visit on your blog. Blessings to you, friend!
That is a great story and it hits so close to home you wouldn't believe it. I have a daughter but I don't talk about her very often. She moved away somewhere and I don't know where she is. The last time I saw her was when she came to visit. She wanted (more) money but didn't want to listen to my advice. I tried to help her but she only wanted money. It made me very sad to send her away with none. I pray that someday she will turn her life around.
Good word! Thank You!!!!!
I am doing well! I hope you are well!
I have to do a Testimony Tuesday this week, b/c I just have to share.. The Lord just blows me away!!!!!!
Love you!
I'm prayin for you Edie....
I hope that story stays with me a really long time. What a great lesson.
Blessings my sweet friend,
My love to Tobi
Great post....
And unfortunately, I know I have walked away from blessings that could have been mind. I echo your prayer.... Amen.
:) Hope you dont mind, I snagged your button :)
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