It's time for Project 365 again! Sara at Make Music From Your Heart to the Lord is our hostess. Click on the link to visit her and the others sharing their week in pictures.

Day 2 - Hot Fudge Sundae and ice cream sandwiches. Mmmm.

Day 3 - Making a project.

Day 4 - Being goofballs. :)

Day 5 - Making a "sandwich". Their version of dogpile. :)

Day 6 - Playing with balloons.

Day 7 - A gift in the mail! My friend Larie at My Heart Speaks has been having a friendship give-away just to express her love to her bloggy friends.
Here is what I won. A journal with swirls all over it, a pack of notecards, a small notebook, and two coordinating pens. I just love all of these! What a great way to end a busy week. Thank you Larie!!
Love this post!! Too much fun!!
So we both got great little gifties in the mail!! I just LOVE that!! While we're at it could you email me your address?
Thank you so much for my 3rd column!! I think it looks great!! I just have to remember to center my photos on my posts now!! You're a sweetheart, Edie!! So glad I found you in blogland!!
Blessings and joy,
Great photos as usual! Don't ya just love getting gifts in the mail from friends?!?!? It makes me feel extremely special. I sense that it did for you too!
It looks like a rough life at grandma's!
What a terrific gift!
Hope all is well.
: )
Looks like a fun week, Edie! And, you get the most wonderful "surcies" (surprises) in the mail. :-) What a blessing!
these are great pictures!
Ice cream sandwiches are my fav!!!
It looks like fun all around and grandma's house!!!
I got a sweet gift in the mail too this week, starbucks gift card! :)
Fun week! Your pictures remind me of the fun things we used to do when my kids were little and makes me look forward to the day I have grandchildren - although I hope that's still several years away! LOL
This looks like you had a very fun week! What great memories you're making with the girls.
Great photos and fun at Grandma's house. Can I ask you, do your Grandkids live with you? Am I being snoopy?
Hi, Edie! I have a little surprise for you so stop by my blog! Love, Heather
Cool gifts but even more....delightful Girls in a precious Grandma time!
Looks like a fun week. I have special memories of my Grandma's house. As will your grandchildren.
You all had a fun week and I love getting fun mail!!! Luck you!
Great pictures. You are a very special grandmother. It's a good thing I have only 2. I'm just not that creative. My grandparents never did things with my cousins and I. Of course my grandfather on my mother's side died before I was born so I never had good role models.
Yesterday was Grandparents Day at my granddaughter's school so we went to that. She was so excited that both of us came. My husband is usually working so I and her other grandmother have been the only ones who have gone. Children remember those kind of things. They are so busy and don't live real close by so we don't get to see them as much as we did when they were babies.
Great gifts.
Are those girls the apple of your eye or what!!!! I know they adore you as well. I love the friendship giveaway stuff. I love giving gifts! Those were fun. Love the two birds cards.B
My kids would love to come play at your house! LOL!
Fun pics...those girls look like they were having an absolute blast. Congrats on winning those cute goodies! = ) Hope you're doing well. Have a great week!
Wow, looks like a fun, active and stimulating week. Love the gifty.
I remember being "dogpiled" when I was a kid. Those were fun days.
Hi Edie. I feel like I know these precious girls now! HAve a great week.
It looks like the girls are having a lot of fun in your house!
Really? A FRIENDSHIP GIVEAWAY? I guess that doesn't mean a "friend giveaway". I was a little startled when I first read that! lol
Enjoy your gifts!
Ice cream and balloons, and no birthdays attached--priceless!
AND, I love the back pocket on the jeans, the leopard spots! That may be my next patch design.
Great week with the gals, I can see....
Great Pics! Edie, looks like they are having a blast!
Look like alot fun, all those smiles!
Loved your gift as well!
Great share
Have a beautiful and blessed day :)
What adorable photos of the kids! They are having a blast.
I'm so glad you received a blessing gift in the mail. You are such a blessing to so many of us. Love you.
What a week to remember! Looks like fun!
I confess I just looked @ the pictures, but it looks like my kind of fun~and such precious kiddos!
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